Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"I'm not feeling it anymore."

Dear depressed, lonely person,

    I know what it's like when you stop "feeling" your book. I know the feeling all too well. That is the answer to the age old question; " why are all of my story ideas in the virtual trashcan on my computer?"  Well, it's like this. Once upon a time, you had a great story you were really excited about, but then Mr. Chapter-Two came over and you suddenly didn't feel so hyped. Next thing you knew, you threw away your story idea and went depressed for the rest of the day. The end.
     I know why you're like this, I get it. It's okay to lose the groove. It happens to the best of us. But I have a couple tricks to get to groove back, which doesn't happen to the best of us (because they don't know the secrets XD) Here are some of the reasons why you are giving up, and the remedies.

PROBLEM 1: You're moving way too fast.

    This is a common problem. And here's the reason; when you have a story idea, you're usually most excited about something that belongs around the middle of the book. Like, someone dying for instance. Then you're brain goes on hyperdrive, and you find it too hard to be patient and just slowly get to the part. So you write it in the first chapter, and then you cut your ideas in half and you only have half the material. This happens all to often.

ANSWER: Generate new ideas.

    This can sometimes be a challenge, but if it is a challenge, it's a sign that your plot isn't completely developed yet. And you can email us if you are having trouble developing your plots; we love helping out! Because we know how it feels. So just try to think up a motive for the character to occupy you till you get to the coveted part.

PROBLEM 2: You don't have enough plot material

     This can be a product of going too fast. You think up the idea, two minutes later, you're at your computer writing it. Not gonna work. -_-. You need to try to develop the plot before you start writing, make up the book before you actually start writing it. If you don't have anything to write about, surprise, surprise! You won't be able to write anything!

ANSWER: There's only one answer for this. Take some time to make up a plot.

It doesn't have to be a masterpiece. You can always tweak it. And make sure you plan the plot twists too, so you can go all Rick Riordany and reference things to come before they actually happen. *gasp*.

PROBLEM 3: You're lazy.

Don't take that as an insult, but it's true. No offense, but you're not working hard enough. And if you want to write a novel, that's not really going to work. Because your brain is like this:

"AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't write to want 500 PAGGGESSS of this stuffff meeh meh mehhhhhh lets just compress all your ideas, to, say… 2 pages? You can just use a big font and nobody will notice!!"

Not. Happening.

ANSWER: Try to have fun.

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This is really all the help I can give you! Now, GO AND WRITE A NOVEL!!

- Emilie Graye

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