Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Inspiration--- A writers best friend.

It's Patricia, here. 
I know this is the second post in a row, but Emilie is kinda busy. Well, I am too, but that's ok. I consider my fellow authors important... Ok, fine, Emilie. You consider them important too. 

So in this post, I will be talking a lot about inspiration. Inspiration is very important. Think about it. What got you to start writing, in the first place, anyway? Inspiration. That's it. You thought of an awesome idea, and were inspired to develop it. That's great! That's a very important thing for an author, to get a wonderful idea, and base a novel off of it. 
But what happens when the inspiration leaves? It decides to take a vacation to your closet. What happens then? Well... You're not going to like this, but it's my job to tell you the truth.  
Your writing becomes trashy. (I'm not saying you're a trashy writer, heavens no. I'm saying that without the energy of inspiration, your writing isn't as good.
Now you're probably like: "yokay... So, you gonna give me some useful information?" And the answer is: yes. 
So.... How do you get the inspiration to come back from vacation?
Well, unless you want to spend hours, digging through your closet... With a disappointing result, you can follow these steps. (Yes, I am sticking with the blog theme. Take things in steps!)
1). Think about it. 
Where does your inspiration come from? What is it made of? What does it feel like?
Inspiration is a very funny thing. It isn't something physical. It's an emotional, or mental feeling. It's an emotion. When I am inspired, I feel very excited. Like there is a ball of glowing light rising in me. It's enough for me to forsake my sleep, and stay up hours into the night writing my heart out. That's inspiration, guys. It's what motivates you to write. If I sit down and write 20 pages, and my mom asks me what I'm doing, I have gotten used to saying: "my inspiration is back up. It's fixed."
She immediately knows what I'm talking about. 

2). Think about your story. Think about how many hours you've spent, pouring your heart into it. Think about getting it published. Think about people reading it, with a cover on it. 
Doesn't that feel inspiring?

3). Act your story out. I know Emilie used this as an example in another post, but it, truly works every time. When I do this, I usually end up on my bedroom floor in fits of laughter, because I'm acting so ridiculous. And what she said earlier, you end up thinking: "we'll movies are never accurate, anyway, so why not?"
And who knows? Maybe in doing that, you will be able to see flaws in your writing, and make it better. 

What's my favorite line? Yep, you got it!

Keep writing!

Patricia Rane


  1. Wow girls!! This blog is AMAZING!!! Your senses of humor make me really laugh and I've been reading on here for the past 15 minutes! I will continue to enjoy reading your posts! And I'm right along with you, Patricia! Keep writing!

    1. Thanks for your support! It means a lot!

    2. Hannah, thank you so much! We really really appreciate it. - Emilie

    3. P. S. Ignore Patricia…. she didn't even use your name. She doesn't think you're special. XD JK! - emilie
