Anywho... (SOS, Patricia! You're supposed to be blogging!).
So, this blog post has several points I want to make with you... So let's get started!
First of all, I want to let you know of some other notable, and awesome sites you can turn to, if you get totally annoyed and upset with us for being silly, and not staying on track. And.... They... Are... (see what I mean...?) *drumroll* (did I ever tell you about the time that Emilie got run over by a cow...?) :
These are two WONDERFUL sites for you to look at, so please do! ('nuff said. I don't want to start sobbing about how wonderful they are, and get all blubbery on my computer.) But, seriously. **sobs**. They are so wonderful. Just take 2 seconds-- (if you have a super-duper fast, highspeed browser that takes nanoseconds to loadddd.) -- and look at them.
Second of all, I want to talk length. Yup. One of the most commonly asked questions in the authoring world is: How long should my novel be?
Weeelll... this might not satisfy you... but: THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWER.
Your novel should be as long as you want it, and if the publisher doesn't like it, then... well... PFFT. SORRY FOR BUSTING YOUR BUBBLE, MR. PUBLISHING-PANTS, BUT YOU DONT DESERVE MY BOOK. (!!!)
I recently read a novella that was 61 pages. It was AMAZING. I recently read an 870 paged book. It was AMAZING. Just be thorough in what you want to say, and don't leave out descriptions. Descriptions will fill in the empty space for you.
Thirdly, some advice. Be yourself in your writing. Don't be other people. If I write, strictly using Rick Riordan's style, than I wouldn't be being Patricia Rane. I would be being Rick Riordan (And I would probably get into trouble for plagerism.) While I use Riordan's style, and many other's, as well, I have my own twist to things.
I'll be sitting at my desk writing, and get an idea for another story... it happens. It really does.
If you're not 'feeling it' anymore, or think that you can't finish it because your writing is flawed, here is a list of stuff you can try:
- Try changing POV. A new character's perspective might put a fresh view on things.
- Add a new character.
- Write down your other ideas on notecards so that you can focus on completing your original work.
- If you want, begin those new ideas. The birth of a new story always helps to make things positive!
- Take a break.
~ ~
Keep writing!
Patricia Rane
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