Friday, November 7, 2014

My Challenge For You Today - NaNoWriMo Day 7

It's day seven... Let me be completely honest with you:

If you're anything like me, you're wondering "Why in the world did I ever sign up for this???"
I get it.
Day 1: Everything is awesome!!! You've got the perfect plot planned out... your characters are fresh - something you've never had to work with. It's great. You have the 4,000 words that you're supposed to have written today... Well, they're WRITTEN!
Day 2: It's still awesome! I barely got the 4,000 in, but I am still loving working with these characters!
Day 3: I'm on a sugar/caffine high, I got 4,000 words in - but it's 1:00 am (day 4).
Day 4: Zzzzzz, oh, I'm supposed to be writing? Darn, I forgot about that omnibus paper that's due this Friday. Well, Writer's Corner said that school work comes first, so...
Day 5: Ahhh! Yesterday I only got 2,000 words in! This is bad - this is very, very bad! Now I have 6,000 words to get done today, and I have geometry.
Day 6: I. Am. So. Stinking. Tired. I. Don't. Even. Care. Anymore.
Day 7: Why in the world did I sign up for this? I'm almost 2 days behind (i.e. 8,000) words, and it's not even the weekend yet.
Let me tell you something.
You can do it.
I believe in you.
It's in you, you just have to push harder.
You can do it; I believe in you.
Whoever said being a writer was easy, obviously was never a writer. There are times where I sit on my bed and scream into my pillow because I can't get the million dollar idea out of my head and down onto paper. Believe, me. There have been times where I have given up. I've deleted my work, and said that I will never write again. But I always do. Being a writer is not something you can wake up, decide to do, and succeed. I think it's a gift, that you're born with. But that's just me.
So my challenge for you today is this:
Don't be discouraged. If you're behind, you're behind. Don't chew yourself out because you didn't make your word goal yesterday. What happened yesterday, happened yesterday. You can't change that. Nobody can change that. But you can make today worth more than yesterday.
When you feel like you can't do it anymore, remember that you can. You can do it. It doesn't matter what your word-count is... I mean, that's your goal. But I've found that this experience is more character building than word building.
If you are going through some writing depression, please email me...
orrrr, add me on NaNo: petragrace
And I will send you some NaNo mail :)
Keep writing! You can do it!
~Patricia Rane


  1. Andddd...yes...I totally get this and your encouragement came at great timing.
    Are you set up in such a way that I can "follow" your blog? For example, through Google Friend connect?

  2. I think that I have it set up that way now... does it work for you? If not, I will have to tamper with it a little bit. (this is Patricia, on her private acc :D)
